Regele Carol II

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Illustration, png, 3.508×4.961 pixels

Carol II (3 October 1893 – 4 April 1953) reigned as King of Romania from 8 June 1930 until his forced abdication on 6 September 1940. He was the eldest son of Ferdinand I and became crown prince upon the death of his grand-uncle, King Carol I in 1914. He was the first of the Hohenzollern kings of Romania to be born in the country; both of his predecessors had been born in Germany and only came to Romania as adults. As such, he was the first member of the Romanian branch of the Hohenzollerns who spoke Romanian as his first language, and was also the first member of the royal family to be raised in the Orthodox faith.

Carol al II-lea al României (n. 15 octombrie 1893, Sinaia, Prahova, România – d. 4 aprilie 1953, Estoril, Lisboa, Portugalia) a fost regele României între 8 iunie 1930 și 6 septembrie 1940. Carol a fost primul născut al regelui Ferdinand I al României și al soției sale, regina Maria, dobândind prin naștere titlul de Principe de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (transformat mai târziu de Ferdinand în Principe al României). După accederea la tron a părinților săi a devenit Principele moștenitor Carol al României.

Image file format: PNG
Image file size: 3.508×4.961 pixels
Types of licensing: Personal and Commercial

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