Nicolae Iorga

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Nicolae Iorga (17 January 1871 – 27 November 1940) was a Romanian historian, politician, literary critic, memoirist, poet and playwright. Co-founder (in 1910) of the Democratic Nationalist Party (PND), he served as a member of Parliament, President of the Deputies’ Assembly and Senate, cabinet minister and briefly (1931–32) as Prime Minister. A child prodigy, polymath and polyglot, Iorga produced an unusually large body of scholarly works, establishing his international reputation as a medievalist, Byzantinist, Latinist, Slavist, art historian and philosopher of history. Holding teaching positions at the University of Bucharest, the University of Paris and several other academic institutions, Iorga was founder of the International Congress of Byzantine Studies and the Institute of South-East European Studies (ISSEE).

Nicolae Iorga (născut Nicu N. Iorga, n. 5 iunie 1871, Botoșani – d. 27 noiembrie 1940, Strejnic, județul Prahova) a fost un istoric, critic literar, documentarist, dramaturg, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, ministru, parlamentar, cel de-al 34-lea prim-ministru, profesor universitar și academician român. Este cunoscut în lume ca medievist, bizantinist, romanist, slavist, istoric al artelor și filozof al istoriei. După cum a afirmat George Călinescu, Iorga a jucat în cultura românească, în primele decenii ale secolului XX, „rolul lui Voltaire”.

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Image file size: 3.508×4.961 pixels
Types of licensing: Personal and Commercial

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