Vasile Alecsandri

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Vasile Alecsandri (21 July 1821 – 22 August 1890) was a Romanian poet, dramatist, politician and diplomat. He was one of the key figures during the 1848 revolutions in Moldavia and Wallachia. He fought for the unification of the Romanian Principalities, writing “Hora Unirii” in 1856 and giving up his candidacy for the title of prince of Moldavia, in favor of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. He became the first minister of foreign affairs of Romania and was one of the founding members of the Romanian Academy. Alecsandri was a prolific writer, contributing to Romanian literature with poetry, prose, several plays, and collections of Romanian folklore, being considered, alongside Mihai Eminescu, which admired and was inspired by the writings of Alecsandri, as one of the most important Romanian writers in the second half of the 19th century.

Vasile Alecsandri (n. 21 iulie / 2 august 1821, undeva în ținutul Bacăului, Moldova — d. 22 august / 3 septembrie 1890, Mircești, județul Roman, România) a fost un poet, dramaturg, folclorist, om politic, ministru, diplomat, membru fondator al Academiei Române, creator al teatrului românesc și al literaturii dramatice în România, personalitate marcantă a Moldovei și apoi a României de-a lungul întregului secol al XIX-lea.

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