Mareșalul Alexandru Averescu (1)

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Alexandru Averescu (9 March 1859 – 2 October 1938) was a Romanian marshal, diplomat and populist politician. A Romanian Armed Forces Commander during World War I, he served as Prime Minister of three separate cabinets (as well as being interim Foreign Minister in January–March 1918 and Minister without portfolio in 1938). He first rose to prominence during the peasants’ revolt of 1907, which he helped repress with violence. Credited with engineering the defense of Moldavia in the 1916–1917 Campaign, he built on his popularity to found and lead the successful People’s Party, which he brought to power in 1920–1921, with backing from King Ferdinand I and the National Liberal Party (PNL), and with the notable participation of Constantin Argetoianu and Take Ionescu.

Alexandru Averescu (n. 9/21 martie 1859, Babele, Principatele Unite ale Moldovei și Țării Românești – d. 2 octombrie 1938, București, România) a fost mareșal al României, general de armată și comandantul Armatei Române în timpul Primului Război Mondial, fiind deseori creditat pentru puținele succese militare ale României. A fost, de asemenea, cel de-al 24-lea prim-ministru al României în trei cabinete separate (fiind și ministru interimar al afacerilor externe în perioada ianuarie-martie 1918).

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