Ion C. Bratianu

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Illustration, png, 3.500×4.950 pixels

Ion Constantin Brătianu (June 2, 1821 – May 16, 1891) was one of the major political figures of 19th-century Romania. He was the son of Dincă Brătianu and the younger brother of Dimitrie, as well as the father of Ionel, Dinu, and Vintilă Brătianu.

Ion C. Brătianu (n. 2 iunie 1821, Pitești, Țara Românească – d. 16 mai 1891, Ștefănești, Argeș, România) a fost un om politic român, ministru cu diferite portofolii în varii guverne, cel de-al paisprezecelea premier al României.

Image file format: PNG
Image file size: 3.500×4.950 pixels
Types of licensing: Personal and Commercial

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